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How to Stay Connected with Internet Interruptions: A Guide for Online English Teachers

Updated: Jan 26

A Teacher on her online class for the blog How to Stay Connected with Internet Interruptions.png

In today's digital age, teaching English online has become a prevalent and fulfilling profession. However, the occasional hiccup in internet connectivity can disrupt the flow of a lesson and test even the most seasoned teachers. These interruptions are inevitable, but with the right strategies, you can navigate through them seamlessly, ensuring a smooth teaching experience for both you and your students.

Here's a comprehensive guide to navigating these challenges effectively:

1. Prepare a Backup Plan

Have a variety of offline resources ready to go. Consider:

  • Worksheets: Interactive exercises that don't need online access.

  • Readings: Short stories or articles in PDF format.

  • Games and Activities: Language-based puzzles or word games.

Create a folder on your computer with these resources categorised by topic or level. This way, when the internet flickers, you can seamlessly switch to these engaging activities to keep the lesson engaging and educational.

2. Communicate Proactively

Set expectations and inform in advance.

  • Email or Messaging: Send a message to students and guardians at the beginning of the course, explaining the possibility of internet interruptions.

  • Lesson Reminders: Before each session, mention briefly the chance of disruptions and the plan to handle them.

Consider creating a standard message template explaining the situation and the steps you'll take during interruptions. Regular reminders maintain awareness and understanding among students and their families.

3. Invest in Redundancy

Explore alternative internet options.

  • Mobile Hotspot: Consider a portable internet device or a backup SIM card for emergencies.

  • Secondary Service: Investigate a different internet service provider as a backup.

Research the best options available in your area and invest in one that best suits your needs. While it might involve additional costs, having a backup internet source can be invaluable during critical teaching hours.

4. Optimise Your Environment

Enhance your teaching setup for a stable connection.

  • Router Placement: Position yourself closer to the router during lessons.

  • Signal Boosters: Invest in signal boosters or Wi-Fi extenders for areas with weak signals.

  • Device Management: Limit connected devices during teaching hours to prioritise bandwidth for your lesson.

Conduct a test run before each class to ensure optimal signal strength. Adjust your seating position and device settings to minimise interference and maximise connectivity.

5. Stay Calm and Flexible

Keep a calm and composed attitude during interruptions.

  • Transition Plans: Have a seamless transition plan to switch between online and offline modes.

  • Flexibility in Teaching Methods: Be ready to adapt quickly to keep the lesson engaging and informative.

Practising transitions between online and offline materials during non-teaching hours helps streamline the process. Maintain a positive attitude to reassure students and smoothly navigate through these interruptions without causing undue stress.

Navigating internet interruptions requires preparation, proactive communication, and adaptability. Implementing these strategies equips ESL teachers to maintain the quality of their lessons and ensure a productive learning experience for their students, even in the face of technological challenges.

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